Annett Paschke (Artistic director)

studied dance education at the Palucca School in Dresden, Dance at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen and at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. The focus of her artistic interest lies in the creative tension between dance, theater, pedagogy and improvisation. She has been the artistical director of the dance theater “ellaH” since 2003. She staged “Ein Meer weiter” in 2005; “Legoleben” in 2006; “Bücklingsfilet” in 2008 and the coproduction “Kategorie F_29” in 2009, in cooperation with Matthias Spaniel and the free theater nordlichten, among others at the Neuen Theater Halle, LOT Braunschweig. Furthermore, she performed teaching activities at the Palucca Schule Dresden – Hochschule für Tanz (2004/2005) and for the Movimentos-Festspiele in Wolfsburg.
Elisabeth Decker (Workshop leader)

is currently majoring in Art Pedagogy at the HfKuD Burg Giebichenstein in Halle (Saale). After she had already been living and working for a year in Latin America in 2006, she spent several months in 2010 in Peru as a part of the ASA-program, which was connected with work experience in art-education, as well as further training in fields of development policy and intercultural education. In her experience to date, she has taken part in various artistic and political projects and is active as freelance educational consultant in intercultural matters.
ellaH ensemble (Project support)

Annett Paschke, Franziska Schaff, Maria Heinrich, Margund Weber and Janka Grummt (from top left to bottom right) are the currently active members of the dance theatre ellaH e.V. Besides working or studying in different fields, each one of them has been putting effort into the project TURNING POINTS since the beginning of 2012. Developing the concept, making contact with artists, finding partners in the countries – all this would not have been possible without them. During the implementation of the workshops the members of ellaH will be on the spot to accompany and coach the process. Not least they will play an important part in the concluding performative installation in Halle (Saale).
Frauke Freese (Workshop leader)

studied Metal-Design at the HAWK in Hildesheim and Visual Arts at the HfKuD Burg Giebichenstein in Halle (Saale) after she graduated in goldsmithing. Since 2011 she works as freelance artist in Halle (Saale) and has been taking part in various exhibitions, projects and fairs, where she has created objects, installations and performances. She is an experimentally and interdisciplinary working sculptor, moving on the boundaries between other arts and art education.
Giacomo Blume (Photo & video documentator)

completed his studies in Visual Communication at the Bauhaus University of Weimar in 2012. He works prodominantly in the areas of video and advertising. Blume has produced film and video for the Hildesheim City Theatre as well as independent productions such as “Versiegelte Zeit” (Sealed Time), an homage to Andrei Tarkovsky, shown for the first time in 2010 at the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein. His work includes video installations and experimental videos such as the film “einzelschicksal” (fate of an individual), which was nominated for the MDR unicato award. In 2009 and 2010 he developed advertising concepts and campaigns for the Weimar Art Festival under the guidance of Prof. Werner Holzwarth. Amongst these was the very effective campaign “Überliszten” created with Daniel Plath and Moritz Glück, with whom Blume co-founded the advertising agency lauthals in 2013.
Read more at his website:
Katarína Kalivodová (Workshop leader)

studied at the Academy of Arts (Slovakia) at Faculty of Dramatic arts, where she continued as pedagogue of voice technique after graduating. She was also teaching movement and voice technique at Private Conservatory in Martin. She was leading several workshops in Slovakia, Czechia and Athens. During her professional carreer she cooperated as performer with a lot of slovak and international theaters and groups (Theater Kontra, Puppet Theater Žilina, Stella Polaris, Continuo Theater...). In 2009 she commenced her PHD study at Academy of Performing Art in Bratislava. The topic of her research was “Folk song” as resort of contemporary theatre. At present she is living in Prague and cooperating with dance theater as performer.
Markus Scholz (Workshop leader)

is a freelance photographer (self-taught) since 1996. For 10 years he's theatrical photographer at the Neues Theater Halle. From 2002-2004 he headed the complete documentation of the theater project Domino x funded by the EU through the European Social Fund and the federal program Xenos.
More recent references and projects can be found at
Matthias Spaniel (Dramaturge)

studied German Language and Literature in Hamburg, Dramatic Arts in Hildesheim and European Theatre Arts in London. He founded the free theatre “freies theater nordlichten” and since then has been staging numerous projects on the boundary between theatre and performance. Besides productions at the Theaterfabrik Gera, the Theater der Künste Zürich and the Theater Rudolstadt, he initiated the first theatre festival for senior citizens “Ruhestörung” and regularly holds workshops. Since 2010 he has been teaching at a number of institutions including the Zurich University of Arts.
Maxi Richter (Photo & video documentator)

finished her studies in Industrialdesign in 2012. An employment as photographer followed. Right now she is realizing a café in Halle (, which is ment to be a place of exchange and inspiration. Interdisciplinary lectures, readings, musicalevents and other things are planned.
It is supposed to be a place where art and science ‘kiss’. Her heart is still dedicated to film, despite her very colurful studies also in the art department. She worked as director, and director of photography for several short movies, musicvideos and other free projects.
See more at:
Sandra Müller (Production manager)

As a trained office administrator she worked for the music and art school “Clara Schumann” in Leipzig. Since October 2012 she studies Elementary School Education at the University of Leipzig, with German as her main subject.
Sebastian Demant (Project support)

studied culture and media education at the University of Applied Sciences Merseburg. Currently he’s preparing his master thesis in applied culture and media sciences.
He’s dealing with the issue of the influence of digital media on people and their ability to recept offered contents within the knowledge transfer. The main focus will be on cross-media concepts and their effects on traditional forms of representation in educational institutions.
He worked as a scripter and director for corporate films and documentaries and also as a director of photography and editor of various film productions.