
What stays

that stays

What a magnificent final!
On the last evening of the installation KOMPÁNIA created a great atmosphere and made the audiance laugh, weep and dance.
On Saturday, the very last day of the installation, together with the carpenter Alexandra Uhlisch two unique tables evolved. Do You remember the „wheel of questions“?! The end of the whole project TURNINGPOINTS and the outlook at the same time was created by the young dancers of the Dancetheatre ellaH. Despite the wind and cold toes they inspired with ther individual turnings and points.
The whole week has been a celebration! An appreciation of all the project results, a meeting of people, a looking at turnings and turningpoints from very different perspectives. Thanks to everybody involved! – That stays.

last but one day

What would you dare?

The week passed quickly. Now we are looking forward to the last two events: The concert of KOMPÁNIA tonight and the Finissage tomorrow morning. It is going to be great, that's for sure!
Come and share these special moments with us.

In full swing

TURNINGs can have very different forms of appearance, indeed! During the last days there were turning balls, circling dances and moving lyrics.
Today it's going to be about the "WENDE" - the German reunification in 1989. A topic that is connected to more than one turningpoint...


There it is.


What a weekend! After the energetic and unique vernissage, today we had a calm sunday.
For sure, it will go on deversified like this, for each night there will be a different event. Check our program to see the dates!


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