
Creating own ideas

The day started with an unique expedition by Benni, Jule, Liam, Frauke and Giacomo. They studied nature in all its marvellous variety and curiosity of structures, shapes and materials to find strong examples and places for their own work. So Giacomo got very busy – he wanted to capture as many impressions as possible with his camera. That day, it is concept day. People are working intensively on their own ideas. Everybody is very busy. Doors are opened and closed constantly, somebody is moving the white bucket, the black vinyl record is glued on the wooden ladder, in a lonely corner there is somebody rehearsing the best way to take of a white shirt without clamping . . . we will see what emerges from all this tomorrow.

TURNINGPOINTS in České Budějovice

TURNINGPOINTs in České Budějovice: participants have been working tirelessly to create the first steps to their personal way of expression. Therefore the KREDANCE Studios offer an atmosphere of openness and the participants get connected over creativity.

Looking for you as participant

We are looking for you as participant (from Czechia, Germany, ...) for the workshops about your own biographical TURNINGPOINT. Therefore you will work in the workshops Experimental sculpture (with Frauke Freese, Germany) and Physical Expression - with music, voice, songs and objects (with Katarína Kalivodová, Czechia) from 17. – 21.05.13 in České Budějovice (Czechia) in the Kredance Studio. There is no experience necessary, beginners are very welcome! We would be very happy to work with seniors and students also. Participation is free of charge. All results will be involved in a big installation in Halle/Germany in autumn.
Watch out for our TURNINGPOINTS in Budapest in the Galerie!

We´ll start Friday 17th at 5pm, Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th we´ll work between 10am - 6pm (core time), Monday 20th from 9am – 1pm, Tuesday 21th – time for presentation we´ll find all together.

The TURNING POINTS project is gathering speed

After a bit of ups and downs during the last months and weeks, now the TURNING POINTS project is gathering speed. The preperations for the first two workshop weeks in Hungary and Czechia are in full swing - train tickets are booked, partners are advertising, workshopleaders get ready and everybody is quite excited! One more week and the bags for Budapest should be packed...


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