For this workshop is no experience necessary, beginners are very welcome!
In this workshop every actor/actress has the opportunity to create his/her own memory object or installation at the own biographic turning point. Starting material and basis for the personal object are finds and objects of everyday life. For this purpose, a provided pool of material can be used, but, above all, own things can be brought along or material found on site can be processed. In this way, new develops from old. It is about establishing a relationship between the found and lived things and the experienced turning point. For a start, we approach the collected things in a playful and sensual way, we work both consciously and intuitively, we choose things and explore why. The own thoughts, emotions, moods and memories assist in composing the “right” things, which are assembled anew by cuttung, stacking, wrapping, knotting, clinching, sawing, bending, nailing, painting, drawing, sewing... and thus, the personal memory object or installation is created.
- Czechia,
- Germany,
- Greece