The word Animation derives from the grec. verb animare which meens 'to put life in s.th.' In case of Stop motion films we take many fotos of a thing or setting while moving something in between the single shots. If afterwards we play those fotos fast together we get the Illiusion of a movement.
With the object and the TURNING POINT biografic story you want to work with in the workshop every participant develops his or her own idea for a small 1-3 minute film.
You can take a feeling, situation, a short plot or just some words or things which you connect with your turning point as base for your idea.
Then you will work with the material you choose like objects, paper cut, collage, your own body... You can almost use everything to make a stop motion animation! You will take as many photos as possible of your setting and animate them afterwards with the computer.
You don't need any knowledge to participate! Just a bit patience, some fun to experiment and to take photos.
To bring
If you have a laptop with WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER, please bring it. You can download the program gratis in the Internet. If not, no problem!
- Germany,
- Greece